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We all know the phrase: "Faster than a speeding bullet. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound... It's Superman!" The idea of a super hero has captivated mankind from Hercules to Spiderman. The whole world loves the idea of an invincible hero who saves lives. Unfortunately, the "Man of Steel" is fiction. However, there is a real hero, a self-sacrificing Saviour, and His name is Jesus Christ.

Our Alpha Squad hero gospel tracts are copyright-free and available to any person or ministry who wants to distribute them. The digital files are completely, totally free but if you want to print them you’ll have to pay for that yourself. Send them to a professional printer and have them print them like a business card for you.

If you have never given out tracts, why not begin today? Leave them in a shopping cart or give them out when you pay for something. Then each night as you shut your eyes to sleep, you will have something special to pray about—that God will use the tracts you put somewhere. You will also have a deep sense of satisfaction that you played a small part in carrying out the Great Commission to reach this dying world with the gospel of everlasting life. Do something for the kingdom of God while you are able to.

  • Free Gospel Tract

  • Business Card Size

  • Product Dimensions: 85 x 55 mm

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"We, little fishes, after the image of our IXOYE, Jesus Christ, are born in the water".

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Children's Christian Learning

Little Fishes Books

United Kingdom

Children's Christian Learning

Little Fishes Books

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